Lined Wireframe Portrait Frame

Dasol Lim |


Music Composer | Recordist | Spatial Audio Mixer

Reach out

About Me (she/her)

With a passion for 3D music and sound that began in 2012, ​I pursued a composition major in Korea and the United ​States, focusing on music for films, animations, and ​installation art. My compositions aim to create sounds that ​can be intuitively understood through instruments. As ​technology advanced, my interest in immersive sound and ​engineering grew, and now I specialize in real-time multi-​channel and spatial audio mixing to enhance audience ​engagement and provide immersive sound experiences ​through live performances.

2012년 시작된 3D 음악과 사운드에 대한 열정을 가지고 영화, 애​니메이션, 설치미술을 위한 음악을 중심으로 한국과 미국에서 작​곡 전공을 하게 되었다. 대부분 작곡 작업들은 악기를 통해 직관적​으로 이해될 수있는 사운드 구현되는 목표를 가지고 있다. 기술력​이 발달됨으로 인해서 몰입형 사운드와 엔지니어링에 대한 관심이 ​높아졌고, 현재는 몰입도 높은 라이브 공연을 통해서 관객 참여와 ​관심을 높이기 위해 즉각적인 멀티 채널 믹싱과 입체 음향 믹싱을 ​전문으로 하며 청중들에게 몰입형 사운드를 제공하기 위해서 역량​과 경험을 강화하고 있다.

Lined Wireframe Portrait Frame

Selected Works

Lined Wireframe Landscape Frame


Lined Wireframe Landscape Frame



Lined Wireframe Landscape Frame

Film music études

Music by Dasol Lim

@“Model House ‘VILLIV A-CENT’” YouTube, ​uploaded by d’strict, 23 May. 2023, ​


Lined Wireframe Landscape Frame


Lined Wireframe Landscape Frame

Film music études

Music by Dasol Lim

@film made by National Geographic


Skills & Proficiencies

Professional Skills

mixing gradient icon
Logic Pro X
Dolby Logo Icon
Code Icon
Code Icon
Microphone, Music And Multimedia, Voice Recording, Radio, Sound, Vintage Icon

Music Composition | Arrangement

46 things(2024), MOTIVATION(2024), Ventus(2024), Film music études, etc.

So​und Mixing | Editing

MOTIVATION(2024), Film music études(2024), Grandpa and me(2023), ​etc.

Lo​gic Pro X

MOTIVATION(2024), Film music études(2024), Grandpa and me(2023), etc.

Do​lby Atmos Mixing

Film music études(2024)




Re​cording Management


Connect with me

Da​sol Lim

Follow me on

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LinkedIn Logo 蓝白领英社交媒体